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Progenetix Websites

The Progenetix sites are build from this project using 2 different toolchains:

Progenetix Resource Site

The Progenetix data site is built as a React project, i.e. a pre-compiled JavaScript package.

How to use

Installation of libraries:

npm install

The developer version can be run with

npm run dev

... on for live testing of modifications etc.

For the current Progenetix setup we use Apache and therefore export a static build with

npm run build && npm run export && sudo rsync -av out/* /Library/WebServer/Documents/Sites/progenetix

Otherwise a production build can be run with:

npm run build
npm run start

Directory structure

  • out
    • the compiled website files
    • for use of the static build those should be copied to the server root or another target directory
  • public
    • contents will be moved to the web server, in the given directory structure and naming
    • public/img/IonTichy.png =>
  • src all the code ...


  • components
    • bits and pieces such as form and navigation scripts / page components which may be used by different parts of the project
  • config
    • configuration files for the search form etc.
  • hooks
    • React functions to add lifecycle events and state management to other functional components
  • modules
    • page-specific scripts and resources
    • in contrast to the pages themselves they are not part of the web hierarchy but compiled into the project
  • pages
    • directories and included scripts correspond to website structure

Progenetix Documentation

The Progenetix documentation is a Mkdocs project with

  • source files (Markdown, images, extra css etc.) in docs/
  • configuration in mkdocs.yaml
  • additional configuration files in extra/

On Github the site is auto-generated on push actions using Github actions with this workflow.

Locally the site can be served from its root directory (i.e. the main project directory) through mkdocs serve.